Clean wet carpets. Sadly, these are all quite typical events. Your washing machine flooded, your geyser burst, and rain seeped in through a damaged roof tile.

It really is no big deal if the leaked water is contained to tiled areas. However, when carpeting is involved, it’s critical to act swiftly and appropriately to limit the damage. Otherwise, water could leak through the carpet and below it, resulting in long-lasting damage and promoting the development of mold and mildew.

Mop up. Clean wet carpets.

Your first step is to remove extra water after turning off and disconnecting any equipment. To do the task properly, you’ll need to relocate the furniture.

If you can, get a hold of a wet and dry vacuum. If not, use a sponge, towel, or squeegee to mop up the water. Pay close attention to every crevice since here is where mould and mildew like to grow.


The drying process may begin once the majority of the water has been removed from your carpet and has gone down the drain. Position as many adjustable fans throughout the room as you can borrow. Open the windows and doors to let the air in if it isn’t pouring outside.

Employing a dehumidifier and an industrial-strength carpet dryer will speed up the procedure. However, if the carpet is still drenched in water, it’s time to think about taking more drastic measures.


It is evident that it is more difficult to dry a thick carpet. The likelihood that the latex adhesive holding the primary and secondary backings together will degrade and finally fail increases the longer it remains wet. As a result, the carpet may develop ugly bubbles and ruts that are nearly hard to remove.

Your best option is to begin in one corner of the space, lift the carpet away from the tacks, and dry it using the dryer in small, methodical increments, lifting more carpet as you move along the length of the floor. The padding will need to be taken out and thrown away, but it will cost far less than buying new carpet.

Update and steam clean

Once the carpet is completely dry, you may have it stretched and reinstalled by a professional to make it seem brand-new. Before calling the expert carpet cleaning service you’ve had on speed dial for a thorough and revitalizing steam clean, we advise letting the carpet sit for at least a week.

Moistness is the best buddy of mold. Clean wet carpets.

You might be asking why the carpet requires a steam clean given the quantity of water that was there and the time and work required to get it dry. Mould, in one word.

Within 24 hours, mold begins to form on any surface that is even slightly damp. It thrives in dank, dark places such deep inside the carpet pile or behind rugs. Mould or mildew, if left unattended, may swiftly colonize a whole space and release spores into the air.

Mold and mildew can cause respiratory issues, allergies, and infections in addition to leaving a bad odor.

Call us
Professional carpet cleaning in Scottsdale

All kinds of fitted and loose carpets and rugs may be expertly deep cleaned at Chris the Carpet Cleaner of Scottsdale for an affordable price. Our commercial steam cleaning procedure is meant to eliminate mold, remove tough stains, and leave carpets smelling fresh and hygienically clean.